Jetlag? Nah. Up at 5am local time. Let’s go workout for a run.
Had to get my bearings first. Without highspeed internet this is difficult, but luckily I have something and can at least use Google maps to get my way home. About 1.5 mile run to the beach but get stuck at this barrier. #Tamsuiborderwall
So many stray dogs. I wanted to pet them then I realized… Not a good idea. So I didn’t
Didn’t do much the whole day otherwise. We went to the local market to get supplies and eat.
MommyMd and I did get chance to explore some more we ventured to get a local SIM card to get some highspeed data.
For references for anyone ever planning to go to Taiwan, you need a passport and another ID (usually your driver’s license). Current law allows for one mobile phone number per person.
For internet you could rent a portable Personal 4G wifi router that you pick up at the airport upon arrival. We should have done this but did not. They also sell local SIM cards at the airport. I prefer to get the prepaid cards from there local telecom shops. Just remember to make sure your phone is SIM unlocked.
Depending on what carrier you use, they have different plans. Far EasTone offers a 1 day, 3 day and 5 day Unlimited data use. You can also get a 30 unlimited option.
After getting out SIM setup it was way to hot and tiring to walk back so we tried out the YouBikes. It’s a bike sharing program they over in Taipei. You get a bike for about 3USD and ride it around for 4 hrs. You get charged more for the money you need it.

Riding back up home was much quicker esp in this heat. It’s kinda scary to ride here with all the crazy traffic. Also not helmets. Noone wears a bike helmet here.
After passing out a few hrs we have dinner at home and end the night with some lychees.